Telkom customers voice frustration over failed cancellation attempts
In a recent publication on MyBroadband the well known ICT news website, it was reported that many Telkom customers have and are currently experiencing issues relating to the cancellation of their services with the network provider. Customers have voiced an increased frustration with a plea for help due to ongoing billing despite cancelling the services using conventional methods.
According to the report, customers across a variety of products including ADSL, Fibre and LTE are being affected due to Telkom’s use of a unified system for product cancellations. Many customers have raised the fact that they have been required to wait more than six months for their month-to-month billing to come to an end after cancelling with the provider, with some users even being listed with credit bureaus for non-payment whilst they continued to struggle getting their services cancelled.
This has been an ongoing issue for Telkom subscribers with concerns being raised from as far back as 12 months ago. Telkom responded to the plea for help with this issue from numerous irate customers, saying that it had been having issues with its cancellation system and that customers should use the online cancellation procedures. It seems however, that despite this response, there still hasn’t been a change as many customers reported that the alternative methods provided also did not work.
At the MyBroadband Conference held in October 2018, Telkom CEO of small business did say that Telkom was working on improving poor service as Telkom has become associated with bad service which is something that he wants to work towards changing. It is yet to be seen whether this will be actioned and whether complaining customers will see the outcomes they are looking for.