
LTE: The Best Solution for SME’s

LTE is a fast-growing GSM-based broadband technology aimed at the consumer and small business market, offering incredible data speeds at a fraction of the cost of fibre optics and traditional wireless broadband solutions. In addition to a great data solution, LTE is also a reliable VoIP connectivity, offering reasonably low-latency, making it possible to terminate voice services with little worry.

As a solution, LTE technology is great for small businesses who want to move over from a traditional PSTN to a VoIP solution as it is quick to install, offers fast speeds and low latency and has decent uptimes. In addition, the LTE solution is affordable, within the same price-range as ADSL which was traditionally used for VoIP but failed due to its high-latency and contentions and unreliable uptimes. There are many other solutions that can be offered as an alternative to fibre optics but all of them have their limitations for the small business market with many of them being only slightly less expensive than fibre optics but still out of the SME budget range, not having enough coverage with long lead times for installation

ESAPARTNER has partnered with Telkom that has one of the largest coverage areas for LTE and provides all its small business clients with an affordable voice solution on this connectivity. As a part of a hosted PBX or on-premise PBX solution, LTE is a great technology, with the ability to successfully manage up to 10 concurrent calls effortlessly.