woman working from home

How does VoIP benefit remote workers

VoIP has for years been the leader in voice communication, overtaking the traditional fixed-line communications of the past, making B2B and B2C communication more scalable, more affordable and more functional. Since the inception of VoIP it has grown and evolved, with VoIP varieties such as hosted PBX becoming increasingly popular but, the one other benefit…

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Free Office Assessments From ESA Partner

Want a free office assessment? Send us your information or give us a call and we’ll send a Solution Specialist to your door. Finding the right technology can be a daunting task and between all the options presented between all the sales agents you’ve been in touch with, its hard to choose which brand will…

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Yeastar: 2018 Communications Solutions Product of the Year

Yeastar has been a leading technology provider within our telecoms department since 2014 and it has surpassed all the other telecoms solutions that we previously sold. In terms of features, ease of use and reliability, Yeastar has been a favourite for our business and it has also become very popular within the industry as other telecom…


LTE: The Best Solution for SME’s

LTE is a fast-growing GSM-based broadband technology aimed at the consumer and small business market, offering incredible data speeds at a fraction of the cost of fibre optics and traditional wireless broadband solutions. In addition to a great data solution, LTE is also a reliable VoIP connectivity, offering reasonably low-latency, making it possible to terminate…

Integrated data products making paid voice calls redundant?

In recent months we have seen more than one major service provider releasing integrated data products that include a VoIP component with a certain value of voice minutes being advertised as “free of charge” to clients. We first saw the release of this new integrated product with major VoIP provider VOX Telecoms and more recently,…


Hosted PBX Solutions for Business

Hosted PBX – The Way To Improve Your Communication With the improvement of communications around the world it is about time that businesses in South Africa improve their communications up to international standards by moving from a traditional PABX system to a Cloud Hosted PBX service. ESAPARTNER’s CloudCall solution  offers business exactly that, an advanced…